Monday, January 24, 2011

The Week of Coupons #1

I picked up my newspaper a few weeks ago and was very happy to see my local, favorite pizza place had a coupon! They just opened a few months ago and coupons were non-existent.
I hung the coupon on the refrigerator and thought, "We'll just use that later this week."

- Later in the Week-

I grabbed the coupon and picked up the phone to order a pizza, only to look closer and find that the coupon expired the same day it came out. So the coupon came out on Sunday and expired on the same Sunday.
I was pissed. I ordered Chinese instead.

Coupon Lesson #1

 If you are going to spend the money to have a coupon run in your local newspaper, make sure the coupon has a reasonable expiration date.
A "reasonable expiration date" is defined as a date that accommodates the customer, doesn't end too soon for them to use the coupon, but does have an end date in the near future. Generally, two to three months is a good time period for an expiration date. If you don't add an expiration date, you'll have customers walk through your doors two years later with a coupon that you have can no longer honor. This is just as bad as having a ridiculously short expiration date.

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