Friday, February 4, 2011

Thinking About Discounts #3

Today we are going to re-visit the question - Do I need to discount my products or services. Throughout the week we've posed a few more questions in this blog.

Now we want to wrap this up and make it simple. Do you need to discount?

1. Are you trying to move product off your shelves quickly?
2. Do you need a temporary way to bring in customers?
3. Are you trying to bring in a new customer base?
4. Do you have enough margin to discount your services and stiff make a profit?
5. Do you rely on customer referrals?

If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions than the next step is to consider a discount based on which question you answered "Yes." After creating a discount, be sure to carefully track the customers who use it to ensure your success.

For any other questions or help, feel free to contact us.

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