Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Builder's Dream!

This week is the International Builder's Show in Orlando, Florida! And what a show it is! Four days of over 1,200 exhibits including tool "play" stations and homes built in the parking lot. With so much to see, it is impossible to stop at every booth, which is why businesses vie for attendees' attention. Unfortunately, not all of them succeed.

"Would you like me to swipe your card?" asked a booth's representative as an attendee glanced at his booth.
"No, I'm good." replied the attendee.

I walked by this booth a half dozen times and never saw one person stop. At a convention with over 60,000 attendees, no exhibit should have been bored. And yet, here stood two people, in an attractive booth, with nothing to do.

The problem?

They had nothing to offer. There were lines of people to spin wheels, grab free goodies and win various prizes. This booth had none of that - they had nothing to draw people in to the booth in the hopes of selling their business. They were in a main fairway, thousands of people passed them and yet, I'm afraid their booth fee with end up being wasted.

Too many businesses forget that they are competing with hundreds of other businesses. They forget to go that extra step to draw people in to their business, to entice them and to really distinguish themselves from everyone else.

The lesson here? Ask yourself - What do I have to offer to my customers? Why do they want to stop here?

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